Another milestone was reached today - sad for me, barely noticed by Bran...
He's outgrown his little beds :o( Fi went off with the outgrown soft bed and then when I came in from waving her off, Bran refused to go near his little plastic bed because the bigger bed that normally lives in the kitchen had been temporarily placed in the lounge and he much preferred to spread out in that, thanks all the same. Typically, it will now have to be stored until we next see Auntie Fi, but for the first time in over 4 months I have 2 large plastic dog beds side by side in the lounge. It's sad for me because it means my little baby boy is growing up, but it also reminds me that the last time those beds were together in the lounge we still had our collie boy :o(
The beds in the kitchen have now been replaced by a covered duvet and they are both thoroughly enjoying sprawling on that in the sunshine.

I'm already in negotiations to secure him a larger crate as although he has enough space in his to lie down comfortably and turn around and everything, when he sits upright in it his head is only an inch or so from the top! It's only likely to be a matter of days before I need to be replacing his food bowl with a larger bowl too. He'll have been here 6 weeks tomorrow and it seems to have gone so fast because he's changed soooooooooo much in that time!