"No name! The puppy has no name" were the first words uttered by me on the morning of Saturday 9th August!
My favourite up until then had been Frog (linking in to the whole Frogmella/Brown baby/Harry Enfield sketch that we'd been alluding too since knowing of the existence of our brown baby). However, Jacob was away up in Cheshire with friends and had made it quite clear that he disapproved of Frog.
Eventually we arrived at Bran - still alluding to the whole braaaaaaaaaaaaan baby sketch ;o) It stuck.
Jacob was due to be delivered back at home by my friends (who were also stopping for the weekend) about an hour before Bran was due to arrive. However, they hit lots of traffic on the M6 and M5 and the weather was appalling.
Loobie's updates told me that the story from the M4 was similar.
Tentatively laid plans were suddenly up in the air and it was just a case of everyone getting here when they got here, but I received frequent texts from Loobie telling me how beautiful, quiet, sleepy and handsome the puppy was.
Jacob arrived home in a flurry of excitement and Flora was thrilled to greet my friends, Nina and Stewart and their son Tom, plus their 2 cavaliers (also from Lizzies Barn).
I had just enough time to make coffee before Loobie, and her Puppy Monitor son Callan, arrived with the cutest little chocolate bundle I'd ever laid eyes on!!
Bran strutted in and said hello to everybody as if he'd always been here. My entire family seemed to let out a huge sigh of relief that said "he's home, we're whole again". I'm sure that that sounds like utter madness to those of you who have never had dogs but it honestly felt like the most natural thing in the world for this little boy to be here.
Flora adored him from the second she laid eyes on him. Within 5 minutes of his arrival, they were racing around the garden and playing tug and wrestling and playing hide and seek.

And so the pattern was set for the rest of the day: Bran made himself at home; Flora assumed the role of big sister; the children learnt that puppies have *very* sharp teeth ;o)
He made it very apparent that he is not afraid of anyone or anything, he happily wagged at the cats, he respected the personal space of the grumpy cav (with a little encouragement), he proved over and over again just how robust and brave he is by launching himself at Flora with all of his teeth exposed and we realised just how utterly lovable he is.
Come bedtime, Bran sat in his crate and let out 3 little yips then snuggled down and went to sleep.