He has grown lots and is nearly as big as me now!

We have had soooooooooo much fun chasing round the garden and playing tug and breaking all the mats and chewing up toys and teasing Flora and driving Mummy bonkers..........

But but but but..............MORE exciting things. The blue box thing that Auntie Fi had with her was actually Orca's old travelly house that he got too big for. In the travelly house was the tiniest little thing I've ever seen! Auntie Fi says he's a real dog and he's older than Orca, but I'm not so sure. He's so little!!

I don't know how little he thinks he is though because he was joining in with mine and Orca's wrestling games!

His name is Hugo and he is actually quite good at Barking Competitions! Where I have big deep big boy barks, Hugo has teeny little baby barks but I think they're just as good at making Mummy's head hurt!

Anyway, Auntie Fi brought him here so that he could go and see my lovely vet because he has a poorly heart and that is why he is so small. Sadly, the vet said that Hugo's heart is much more poorly than anybody thought for and that he won't live to be a big growed up boy like me :o( Auntie Fi that he needs somebody special to look after him and pamper and fit 15 years of love into 6 months. I know somebody just like that. My Sophie Jayne :o)

I have decided to let Hugo borrow my Sophie as long as he lets me play with her and cuddle her and lick her sometimes too.
So there we go. Who knew a few days ago that by today I'd have a little brother and have spent some great days playing with my best mate Orca again??