Thursday 8 January 2009

The Truth Is Out There!!!

Just like my mate Muppet I've been working on cultivating a reputation for myself. While Muppet is striving to let the world now just how naughty he is, I am going for the other end of the market and encouraging people to believe that I am the best behaved labrador puppy in the world. And so far it's working ;o)

I've learned to retrieve (rubbish), I have not killed (m)any toys, I don't bark (much), I am (mostly) doing as I'm told, I've been letting Mummy take lots of photos of me and I'm being nice to Flora (although we'll not talk about the incident where I decided to see if she'd give me a piggyback the other day and she bit my winky - yowch!).

I have been sharing sleeping space with Flora and she is happy for me to plonk my gigantic bum on her head and everything. I'm a bit bigger than her now so she usually has to curl up quite small so that I can have enough room to spread out...

Sometimes, though, I forget how big I am now and my head falls off of the sofa and my nose gets all squished up to the floor!

Sophie was all poorly yesterday so - being the best behaved labrador puppy in the world - I let her share our sofa.

Now, however, I find that there is a bit of a flaw in my plan >:o( Mummy took a video of me and Flora playing this morning and I'm not convinced that it shows me in my best light. Well. It certainly doesn't show me being the best behaved labrador puppy in the world....

Ah well. I suppose I'd better just admit that I'm not the best behaved labrador puppy in the world: I'm just a labrador puppy and I like being naughty ;o)


  1. HI Bran
    That was very sweet of you to share your couch!! You are well on your way to being the best Labrador Ever...
    Well except for my girl Midnight, but we'll let you be number two? How about that?

    Erin and the dachshunds
    And Midnight - Guide Dog in Training

  2. Gosh Bran, you're putting me to shame.

    I think I need to take more lessons from you.


    Muppet xxx

  3. Dear Bran

    Are you ok? You're very quiet...

    I hope you'll note I took lessons from you on being naughtier - but don't tell anyone!


    Muppet xxx

  4. Hi Muppet mate,

    My Mummy is a bit poorly at the moment :o( and Flora is very poorly :o( I keep hearing the word "hopperayshun" but I don't know what it means. I'll ask my mummy and see if she can help me do some proper typing :o)

    Bran xx
