Mummy was not telling me fibbers about today being another exciting day!! It is my birthday! Today I am not a puppy any more but a proper growed up dog. I am one whole year old.
First of all, Mummy sang me a very lovely song before I went out for a wee. I like it when she sings to me and this song had my name in it. Isn't she a clever Mummy to know a song with MY name in it????
After I had had a wee, I had the most delicious breakfast ever! I had chicken and bacon and pasta and sweetcorn and spam! What a fantastic start to the day!
And then Jacob got up and he sang me the song that Mummy knew! And then Sophie got up and she sang me the song as well. I like all this singing, it makes me want to dance!
Something very very exciting happened next. I got presents! Two presents that were just for me and nobody else. I love opening presents so I did some more dancing about with the presents, before I started to unwrap them.

A honky duck! Ooh I love honky ducks. We had a honky duck for Christmas but........ermmmm ......well............something bad happened to it. I can't remember what but I'm sure that it was nothing to do with me.
I put my honky duck safe and then opened my other present. This one made all sorts of interesting noises. Noises like my favourite Womble Prize - plastic bottles!

It is a verrrrrrrrrrry lovely toy and I love it love it love it. I am a bit confused because it still makes a noise like bottles but it looks like a cat and has lots of legs, but I have decided to ignore the confusing bits just because I love it's noise sooooooooo much :o)

That cheeky little whippersnapper decided to try and muscle in on my new toys >:o( I realised that if he holds on to my new bottle toy, I can swing it up in the car and the whippersnapper's feet come right off the floor. Haaaaaahahahaha! He looks so silly. But it doesn't make him let go.

I took my toy to hide from him on the sofa where I could keep it safe from his sharp little teeth.

But I was kind and let him play with honky duck while I was busy with the bottle toy.

I got fed up with that though and decided it was time to give honky duck a bit more attention but there was NO WAY that he was having the bottle toy, so I kept both toys safe from him!

After opening my presents, a little snooze was in order.

After my snooze, Mummy took me to the park. It was raining but I didn't care because she had my bally with her :o) Even better than bally, when we got round the corner my friend Pickle was there! She is a very beautiful labradoodle and I think that I might love her a little bit ;o) Next time I see her, I am going to ask her to be my girlfriend. She is a bit older than me, but a bit smaller than me, but as fast as me and loves chasing balls as much as me. She is also very clever because she could hold her bally and my bally in her mouth at the same time!!
When we were both very wet and very muddy and very tired from chasing and wrestling and rolling, Mummy took me to the post office and when we came back through the park, Pickle was gone :o( I was getting a bit soggy by then so I didn't mind when we hurried up home.
I had a very lovely rub down with the towel and I didn't have to wait for anybody to go before me because I was the only one lucky enough to have got so wet :o) I love it when Mummy rubs me with the towel. It feels all lovely. When I was nearly dry, I did a little dance to show Flora and Hugo just how happy a day I was having.
And then! There was a knock at the door and it was Nanny!!! She had brought special treats for us because it is my birthday and she had brought cake for Mummy and Jacob and Sophie. I ate my treats quickly then snuggled up on the sofa between Mummy and Sophie and had a snooze whilst the people did the talking stuff.
Mummy says that I will be getting a very special tea tonight too and keeps giving me lots of cuddles and sighing about what a tiny cute puppy I was.
I think birthdays are even better than visiting the food and toy smelling shop!
"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me..............."
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